Thursday, February 28, 2008


Mungo says chance doesn't have a memory.
Mungo says chance doesn't remember the outcomes of previous flips.

Unfortunately for "chance", I do have a memory.
And there will be a reckoning.


Mungo said...

And there will be a reckoning.
The skies shall open.
Pestilence shall reign.
The winds will come.
The earth shall tremor.
The birds will quack with glee.

And heads will continue to appear.

Luxury T-Shirt said...

Wait - I said there will be a reckoning with 'chance', not 'mungo', right? I didn't mean to disturb the sleeping giant mungo... (gulp)

Mungo said...

Oh indeed the reckoning shall not be with Mungo - but know this: The Queen of England is awfully powerful and can raise her voice in a dramatic fashion. Plus she can give very withering looks.