Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I got nothing.

1 comment:

Mungo said...

Well, actually if you look closely, you'll see what appears to be a currency coin, with orthogonal edges (or something like that), from the country or canton of Canaaad - not sure where that is. But what I find most interesting is there appears to be an embossed visual representation of what I believe to be a Loon Bird, floating in a lake. If you observe carefully, you will see 'in the distance' a small forest of pines or spruces (hard to tell from this picture) - this is the ecology of the environment where the Loon Bird seems to thrive. Now I don't have any pictures of these loon birds, but I do have a short reference to one here: http://mungobah.blogspot.com/2006/03/camping-task-list.html.
Where did you find this coin? Did you unearth it using a metal detector? Amazing. It might be worth a considerable amount.